Apply new case
Make your choice and follow the instructions:
Starting a new case
Step-by-step plan
- Fill in the authorization form. This way you grant me authorization to gather further information at the Legal Aid Board (Raad voor Rechtbijstand), the IND and in the case of replacing your current lawyer, that I may request to take over your file.
- I will double check whether you already have a lawyer. If not, I will arrange to become the lawyer. If yes, there needs to be a takeover (see below) in this instance.
- I will request to obtain the file after everything has been regulated.
- Upon my receipt of the file you will be invited for a (video)meeting.
Takeover of an ongoing case
Step-by-step plan
- Fill in the authorization form. This way you grant me authorization to gather further information at the Legal Aid Board (Raad voor Rechtbijstand), the IND and in the case of replacing your current lawyer, that I may request to take over your file.
- Indicate the reasons as to why the case should be taken over: for example that the person is not satisfied with his legal representation and why so. If there is a lack of confidence, motivate how this came to be. This is important in regard to the costs of the takeover.
- Email me a copy of a letter of the other lawyer so that I can double check the address and can inspect the lawyer’s dossier number.
- From here on I will contact the other lawyer to discuss the case and to determine whether a takeover of the case is desirable. It may be in the interest of the client in some instances to retain his or her lawyer.
- If no objections to the case takeover arise, I will request the dossier and request the Legal Aid Board (Raad voor Rechtsbijstand) to have mutations for free legal aid assigned to my person.
- The Legal Aid Board can impose a personal contribution (eigen bijdrage) of € 214,00 per case for the case takeover. Should for example an appeal and a vovo (voorlopige voorziening) be taken over, the applications for free legal would be doubled. The personal contribution can therefore increase to an amount of € 428,00. The Legal Aid Board determines on its own if a good reason has been given for a takeover.
- Upon my receipt of the file you will be invited for a (video)meeting.
Second opinion
Step-by-step plan
- Submit per email a copy of the decision in PDF format accompanied by your wishes.
- I would preferably also receive a copy of your lawyer’s letter in which the lawyer states why the lawyer cannot continue with the case.
- I will assess the case or if need be request additional documents from you.
- The step-by-step plan for "starting a new case" applies should I decide to take on the case.
Or go directly to the authorization form.