
Welcome to lawfirm Petkovski. Immigration lawyer and asylum lawyer. A trusted name for many, and a new name for others. In either case, you can count on receiving high-quality legal assistance, under clear and fair conditions in the field of immigration law, asylum law, MVV cases, family reunion (Chavez and article 8 ECHR) and visa.

Follow the instructions to apply for a new case. Or go directly to the authorization form.

You can find the all information concerning immigration law here and all information concerning asylum law here. You can find the page for prices and the lawyers fee here.

Situation in Ukraine

  • Situation in Ukraine and third country nationals

Ilija Petkovski

I was called to the bar on September 26th 2001, and have since been working as an immigration and asylum lawyer in the Netherlands. Starting 2011 I opened my own firm and starting 2020 this office is located in Apeldoorn.

My law firm focuses on multiple areas of law, but all in the field of asylum and immigration. I have worked for many years as an immigration lawyer and asylum lawyer and specialize in all the different facets of these areas of law. For instance, I have expertise in migration law, visa cases, MVV requests, law affecting non-native residents, refugee law and asylum law.

In need of legal assistance?

If you are in need of legal assistance feel free to contact me. Most contacts can simply be made via email or WhatsApp. I schedule most appointments via videocalling. If that is not possible for you, just let me know so we can plan a meeting in the office. On the contact page you can find more information about the best ways of contacting me.

I work both as a pro deo lawyer on government payment (toevoeging) or paid cases with a fixed fee. For more information on this topic visit prices and lawyers fee.

Making a free appointment or just a paid consultation at my office is unfortunately not possible. You can find more information about this in the page for prices and lawyers fee.

If you started an asylum or Dublin procedure and have not yet been assigned a lawyer you can always contact me by filling out the authorisation form so I can be assigned to your case. Don’t forget to send me an email or WhatsApp introducing yourself. If you have not asked for asylum yet, you can also contact me in advance. For more information about applying a new case click here.

For a careful assessment of your case, I often need a copy of the relevant files. Please only send official documents only by email.

Municipality (gemeente)

I do not handle appeal cases against the municipality. Even if this has to do with integration or something else related to migration.

It is best to contact the Juridisch loket for this or find a different office.

This is the English part of the website. Bear in mind that not all information can be found in this part of the site. Be sure to check out the main webpage for all information, terms & conditions and other relevant (office) information.

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